Latest broadband news

NZ Compare People's Choice Award
Who is NZ's best broadband provider? Vote today!
Who is New Zealand's best broadband provider in 2020? Vote today and have your say about who is the best of the best in broadband.
Broadband Compare Awards
Even with lockdown, the 2020 Broadband Compare Awards are set to be the biggest and best yet
2020 has bought unprecedented and unexpected challenges for businesses and communities across New Zealand. One necessity for 2020 has been the need for excellence and innovation......
Online Zoom meeting from home
Best broadband plans for Video Conferencing
The Commerce Commission’s latest report looked at broadband video conferencing performance for free accounts for the first time. Compare performance on Google Meet, Microsoft Team, Skype and Zoom. Compare ADSL, VDSL, Fixed Wireless, Fibre 100 and Fibre Max.
Average Download Speed By Plan
Revealed: 10 percent drop in performance of high-speed fibre plans
The Commerce Commission’s latest report reveals a 10% drop in the peak time broadband speeds of high-speed Fibre Max plans since the last report. What’s behind the drop and what does it mean for broadband users at home?
Switch broadband providers during lockdown
How to switch Broadband Plans during Covid-19
A good broadband connection has never been as important as in 2020. Things can feel a bit complicated right now when it comes to switching broadband plans. We're here to help! Here's out guide on switching broadband providers during Covid-19.
Call of duty download breaks NZ Broadband Record
Auckland & Call of Duty help break Broadband Traffic Record
Traffic on Chorus’ network reached a new peak on Saturday night, breaking a previous record set in Lockdown earlier this year. How is your home broadband holding up?
Locking in a cheaper broadband fibre price
Are Broadband Price Rises Coming?
Are you on Fibre broadband? If you are, you may wish to lock in a great price on your fibre broadband as fibre customers face a potential price increase.
Broadband providers supporting working from home
NZ Broadband Providers support customers during Lockdown 2.0
There is a sense of “same but different” this week as the country heads into Lockdown Level 2 and Auckland headed into Lockdown Level 3.  Here is a summary of how Broadband Providers are supporting their customers. 
Compare Insurance
Compare Insurance and more with our new Money Compare site
Compare car insurance, contents insurance and home insurance at our sister website - Money Compare - an NZ financial comparison website.
Broadband and mobile phone bundle deals
Top deals for bundling your Broadband and Mobile Phone
Bundling is becoming increasingly popular as customers see the benefits of streamlining their lives with just one provider and one billing cycle  - plus the ability to access great perks and savings. Here's our list of best deals for bundling your Broadband and Mobile Phone
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